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Why Written Words Matter

Stories are powerful.

They contain the ability of evoking emotion. They can spread beliefs of the author. They can inspire, teach, and encourage.

  1. In the Bible, Jesus Himself teaches and spreads His word using parables, which are forms of story. (You can find examples of this in Matthew chapter 13.)

  2. Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games series’ three finger salute was adopted by protestors in Thailand as a symbol of defiance towards their government.

  3. Listening to or viewing foreign music and film are punishable by prison in North Korea. When it comes to books, writers are highly censored to promote only approved propaganda.

And these are just a few examples of how story effects the lives of people. Some governments are terrified of the possibility of their citizens reading something that could spark question in their minds, leading to rebellion.

Story can create a longing in the hearts of readers that little else can. It is a longing for something new, for something beautiful, for something that can only be satisfied by Jesus Christ, our Lord.

And if story can do all of this, writers should use caution. When you create story, song, or poem, realize that words can be more than just ink on a page. They have the ability to change a life.

And if story has the power to do all of this, then why not stretch it to its limits?

When it comes to my own writing, I strive, to somehow, in each of my stories, to point to the glory of Jesus Christ.

In my writing I ask myself, is this story meaningful? Is it something worthy of taking so much of my time as to create this and for the readers to read this? What is the point behind this story? Is it important?

I want to use my craft to create something meaningful for my readers. Something that is deep and contains heart.

I challenge you to apply this to your craft as well.

Because this, friends, is what I believe to be the real reason for story.

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