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A Podcast Every Writer Needs

Maybe you aren't a fan of podcasts. I wasn't really either. I'm still not. But this one is different. I titled this post "A Podcast Every Writer Needs", and I won't go back on that. This podcast has expanded my knowledge of stories, storytelling, and beyond. It has helped me think deeper about the books I read and movies I watch, looking past the shiny animation and into what really defines a story as "good".

The Stories are Soul Food Podcast. Aka, SASF. You can find it on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Canon+. I like listening to it on Spotify, where I went back and have listened to almost all 95 episodes that are out up to date.

If you aren't a podcast person, that's ok. I wasn't either. By the third episode, you will certainly agree that stories are soul food if you simply take the time to give it a listen.

The hosts, author N D Wilson and editor Brian Kohl, talk about books, movies, writing, politics, history, and beyond. I have found a new author through this podcast who I can't get enough of and I have grown in my writing knowledge as well. The hosts are very entertaining to listen to, and also intelligent and biblical based. This podcast will, in the very least, give you something to think about or discuss if you choose to tackle it with a friend.

I recommend starting on episode 1 and working your way up from there. I really do think it's worth it.

If I haven't convinced you to listen to this podcast, you'll just need to take a look at the website and find out for yourself.

Find more about Stories are Soul Food here.

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