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Favorite Book of October 2022

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Hello again!

This month I chose to share an old family classic:

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

I first read this book when I was nine years old, mostly because my mom promised that I could watch the first Hobbit movie if I finished it. I sped through each chapter. While my motivation started as a desire to expand my views of cinema, I remember realizing on chapter five that it really is a great story. Gollum became the pinnacle of creepy in my imagination, and reading a fantasy story that had elements of chilling and danger kept me captivated.

I read it for the second time about a year ago, that time for the purpose of growing in my storytelling. Not only was it a trip down memory lane for me, it was great reading it as a writer.

It may be a kids' book, but it really is a good read for just about any age in my opinion. It's clean, humorous, exciting, and fun.

I hope that if you have not yet read a work of Tolkien, that you choose this book to begin. Or, if it's been a while since reading it, I dare you to try again. Children's book or not, it's a great story.

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