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Favorite Book of April 2022

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

As you may have noticed, it has been a while since I’ve last been able to post. What you probably don’t know is that over the last month I have been hard at work, approaching the finale of my current novel-in-progress.

But without further ado, I am pleased to announce April’s (slightly late) Favorite Book of the Month.

I am attending a six week fiction writing class. We are fast approaching week three, and already I have decided that the focus book of the class has won out for April.

All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot is not a book I would have picked up to read on my own, having simply judged the cover too quickly. But with the class as my only tie to reading it, I opened it and started reading the first chapter.

Needless to say, I ended up spellbound. The simplicity of the story and the captivating writing style was enough to pull me along through the story at a willing pace, bypassing the class reading schedule and continuing ahead on my own.

This book has an innocent quality that I have missed in the real world since I was a little kid, when I was too young to understand the dark possibilities of our home-planet.

In conclusion, I highly suggest that you pick up a copy and read this book. You can find it here.

WARNING: I will say that in this story there is veterinarian gore and the occasional swear word throughout. So if you are squeamish when it comes to blood, this book may push your limits a little, but it isn’t anything beyond animal care and infrequent words by brash farmers.

I hope that you choose to give this book a chance and that you find the simple magic of the story just as I did. Happy reading!

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