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“Oceans Far” Part 3

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

Welcome to the unedited, exclusive short story. In case you missed it, here are links to parts 1 and 2 below.

Last time on Oceans Far: Liana Tylor woke Jack Morgan to warn him of pirates attacking the ship. The crew hid the passengers in a secret storage compartment beneath the hold, but Liana must stay on deck with her father, leaving Jack feeling guilty in the dark.

Oceans Far: “The Mistake”

At first, Ian had fought back. The pirates had captured him from his family long ago. But then, as time went on and he had been forced to help in a raid, everything changed. He had found a fascination with the event. It had given him something he had never experienced before. What was it? Money? Power? He wasn’t sure. But he was now a pirate aboard the Axis, his heart, mind, and spirit turned to his new life completely. Now he found himself standing in the center of the Magician, their latest takeover, his hand resting on the hilt of his razor-sharp cutlass at his waist. This certain raid was different than any other one he had partaken in. This was his father’s ship. His sister’s ship. The strangest thing was looking at his younger sister Liana, her hands above her head in surrender, and her eyes filled with plea toward him. “Ian, please,” she whispered. “Help us. What would Mother think? We thought you were dead. But a pirate? Please.” Ian shook his head. “I’m sorry. This is who I am now, sis. I’m a pirate. No one can change that.” But in truth, he wasn’t sorry. Not even a little. But this was his sister. Once they had been very close. “But you can change. Please. Help us. You know it’s the right thing. Would you really betray your family, Ian?” Ian sighed, turning to the first mate of the Axis, who had been watching. Then he turned back to Liana and whispered between clenched teeth. “I’ll help you. Where are you hiding the passengers?” A look of relief flooded over her. “I knew you wouldn’t betray us. They’re in a secret storage compartment beneath the hold.” Ian held up a finger for her to wait. Then he looked back at the first mate. “Marcus, I know where the passengers are.”

Oh no! What will Liana do now? Is Ian really as heartless as he seems? If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next mini segment, Oceans Far Part 4, “The Truth”.

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