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“Oceans Far” Part 2

Updated: Jan 4, 2023

Here it is, folks, part 2, as promised. If you have not had the chance to read part 1, you can do so here! If you already have read it, I hope you enjoy.

Last Time: Young Jack Morgan met a strange girl aboard the ship, the Magician, while on a journey from home across the sea.

Oceans Far: “The Raid”

Jack heard the sounds, though he thought it was only in his dreams. When he opened his eyes, he knew that the sounds were real, and he nearly fell from his bunk in the ship’s hold. Crew members and passengers alike were running to and fro, shouting, screaming, crying. “Jack! Get up!” he heard a girl say. He looked around, searching for the girl who had said it. Finally, she emerged from the darkness of the hold, a tallow candle held tightly in her fist. “Liana, what’s going on?” he asked. For the first time since they left shore, which was at least a week ago, he saw fear in her eyes. “Pirates!” Liana shouted. “They’re trying to board!” Jack was out of his bed in a moment, nearly hitting his head on the low bunk space above. “What do we do?” “There’s a secret storage place. My father wants all of the passengers down in it. Follow me. It’ll be closed soon.” They weaved through the crowded isle of the hold. Where a large pile of crates used to be, a sailor stood over an open trap door, urgently lowering fearful passengers down into the darkness. Liana moved towards the sailor and pushed Jack to the hole first. “Go, Jack. Hurry!” Jack hesitated. “You first.” A sad look painted across her face. “I ain’t allowed. The passengers go first. I’m the captain’s daughter. I have to help the crew.” “I can’t leave you up here,” Jack protested. “Take my place.” “Go,” she urged. “I’ll be fine.” The sailor took his arm and nearly forced him down the hole, desperately trying to fit everyone. Jack saw Liana’s face just before the door closed. “I’ll be fine,” she barely whispered.

Oh no! Not pirates! To read the continuation, Part 3: “The Mistake”, you will have to check back here, where it will soon be published exclusively for your reading pleasure. If you want more content, make sure to subscribe!

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