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Grey Road – Imagination and the End of the World

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Make sure to scroll all the way to the bottom for the chance to listen to an original song from Carson Eddy Music!

My name is Carson Eddy, Felicity’s big brother. Thank you so much, sis, for letting me contribute to your awesome blog!

Now instead of writing books (which I would love to do!), I write songs and compose. I have been doing so since 2018, and it’s been a blast, though not without a lot of work, hardship, and stress.

The song I’d like to talk about today is ‘Grey Road’, which I wrote in November of 2019. This is an apocalyptic ballad-style song about a young man’s journey through the wasteland to reunite with his family.

The concept for this song was born on the many bus rides to and from a local technical college. As I sat there watching the landscape pass by and the grey concrete fly beneath me, I imagined what it would be like if I was forced by reasons beyond my control to walk the rest of the way home. These reasons, of course, were apocalyptic in nature.

I should let you know that stories about the apocalypse have always been a favorite of mine and my family’s. The Maze Runner, World War Z, A Quiet Place… classic in our household.

This idea of losing my mode of transportation, with the world as I knew it collapsing around me, and needing to get home to my family no matter the cost was intriguing. And when ideas like this formulate, I know I may have the seed of a new song waiting to be planted.

And I’m happy to say that that seed is now fully matured. Here’s my YouTube video for ‘Grey Road’. Have a listen and leave a comment to tell me what you think.

Thank you for giving me your time today, and if you do listen to my song, may it bless you.

Remember to follow Felicity Grace for more great thoughts from my talented sister!

Take care!

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