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Film Colloquy: Jurassic World Dominion

What it's About

Jurassic World Dominion is the sixth Jurassic movie, the third Jurassic World movie, and possibly the last film in the franchise. It follows our heroes Owen and Claire once again as they try to make it in the world post dinosaur release.

Story Quality

This is where things get shady in my opinion. I won't give away any spoilers in case you haven't seen it, but it wasn't the most well written addition to the series. It was far from what I expected, which sometimes can be good, but this time I was slightly disappointed. I don't want to dive too deep into politics, but it was easy to see that they were trying to squeeze some viewpoints in there. I always like a deeper meaning to a story, but not in the way they did it with what they did it on.

My favorite part was definitely the family aspect.

Acting Quality

Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard starred and a whole slew of familiar faces appeared, but the list is too long to repeat here. The acting was decent, and I won't take away my rating on it because of the shallow story.

Effects Quality

The effects were definitely appealing to the eye, with plenty of scaley friends along the way. There is nothing to say about the effects other than that they matched the budget of a blockbuster film.

Music Score

I didn't find the soundtrack in this movie quite as epic as the previous two installments. You heard some classic themes to the franchise, but it wasn't notable among the six films. I was slightly disappointed about this.

Parental Warning

Yes, there is language like in every other Jurassic movie. I wouldn't say that it is noticeably worse than any other movie in the series.

At one point a female character talking to Owen says something along the lines of "I like redheads too", in reference to Claire. It isn't the most noticeable thing in the world, but it still annoyed me.

Beyond those two things there is violence, but this is to be expected in a Jurassic World movie.

I would personally recommend this movie for at least ages 12+.

Watch Worthy?

It was a fun movie. But that's about all you can expect. There really wasn't a hugely satisfying ending or a deep meaning to learn from, but I guess that's also not the point of the franchise. So I wouldn't say you shouldn't watch it, but it also wouldn't be the first movie suggestion I'd give you.


Jurassic World Dominion is an alright movie with decent acting, great special effects, and a limited quality story. It is generally a family friendly movie for the franchise it's in, though it has some unneeded political viewpoints. Overall, I enjoyed the movie for what it was, but it isn't a film I would need to see again.

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