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Film Colloquy Announcement

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

I've been sharing my favorite books for ten months through a series of posts called “Favorite Book of the Month”. These have included books like Adorning the Dark by Andrew Peterson, The Winter King by Christine Cohen, and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle.

I've decided to expand to the cinematic arts through a new series of posts called “Film Colloquy”. Each Film Colloquy will be about movies, both old and new. Some will be about movies I love, some will be about movies I recommend to avoid. But in the end, Film Colloquies will primarily evolve around my enjoyment of the cinematic world.

In celebration of this new launch, I wanted to share a video my brother and me put together. I hope you enjoy the video, and I look forward to sharing some of my favorite films with you.

In case you are wondering what a “Colloquy” is:

Colloquy (kah-lah-kwee) noun. Meaning: A conversation

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