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“Oceans Far” Part 1

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Oceans Far is a short story I wrote a couple years ago in April of 2020 for a writing class. I actually lost the original document not long after it ended. Until a couple months ago I never thought I’d run into it again, but with some help I was able to get a copy. I decided that there was nothing better to do with it than to share it with you guys. This story is unedited since its original writing, but I thought you might enjoy reading it nonetheless. Without further ado, here is part 1 of Oceans Far. Enjoy.

Oceans Far: “The Departure”

Jack stood aboard the deck of the Magician, his only home drifting into the distance. The old ship creaked with every wave, and the hull was covered with barnacles. He had never been on the ocean before, and he already felt his stomach churning to the rocking of the vessel. His grip tightened around the handle on his leather bag that held all of his possessions.

“Hello, there,” he heard someone say behind him. Turning, he saw a girl standing with an outstretched hand for him to shake. She was barefoot, wore tattered clothing, and her hair was tangled. “You must be Jack Morgan. I’ll show you to your cuddy.”

Jack shook her hand. “And you are?”

“Liana Tylor. My father’s the captain of this ship.” She pushed a few strands of hair from her face; her brown eyes gleaming. She was obviously proud of her father.

“You sail with him regularly?”

Liana looked surprised at his question. “Of course! There ain’t no reason for me to be on land. Mother died when I was little. I haven’t actually stepped off this boat in weeks.”

Jack wondered how anyone could ever stay aboard a sailing vessel for so long, especially this one. The salty air, the breeze, and the constant rocking were enough to make him sick.

“How long do you think it will take to get there?” he asked her.

Liana calculated quickly in her mind. “Three, four weeks, maybe. Can never tell, though. Sometimes storms turn us completely in the wrong direction.”

Jack took a step and wobbled as they pitched over a wave.

“Easy, Jack! You’ll get your sea legs in a few days. Come on.”

Jack hoped so. He quickly followed her to the hold. It was going to be a long trip.

Hope you enjoyed it. Oceans Far Part 2: “The Raid” will be published exclusively on this site soon.

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